Access to Birth Records and Adoption Case Records


In June 2021, this chapter was given a general refresh throughout and information added on applying for a copy of a birth certificate online.

1. All Cases - Provision of Counselling

In all cases where an application or request is dealt with under this procedure, the allocated social worker must provide written information about the availability of counselling to the applicant and to the subject, including information about agencies that provide counselling in the relevant area and any fees which may apply.

Everyone adopted before 12 November 1975 will need to attend a counselling session with an approved adoption advisor before being able to access their records. This needs to be carried out through Adopt London South, who now hold the responsibility for adoption counselling.

Where the applicant indicates a wish to receive counselling, the allocated social worker must ensure that the person receives the counselling, which may be through another agency. Where another agency is used, the allocated social worker should ensure that the counsellor has the necessary skills and experience.

Where a referral is made to another agency for counselling to be provided, the allocated social worker should provide the agency carrying out the counselling with sufficient information about the applicant and/or the subject to enable the counselling to be beneficial.

2. Access to Birth Records

Adopted people aged 18 or over can apply for access to and a copy of their birth certificate - either from the Registrar General or the Adoption Agency.

Everyone adopted before 12 November 1975 will need to attend a counselling session with an approved adoption advisor first.

If the applicant knows their birth details they can apply directly to General Register Office for a copy of their birth certificate.

If the applicant does not know their birth details, they should complete an application form to obtain birth certificate information (see GOV.UK) and return it via email or post to:

Adoptions Section
Room C202
General Register Office
Trafalgar Rd

2.1 Adoption Orders made before 30 December 2005

When a caller enquires about access to birth records, the caller should be referred to the Adoption Agency. If it is established that the caller was adopted and that the Adoption Agency was involved in arranging the adoption or that the caller is a resident of the area, the enquiry will be passed to the relevant Manager. In other cases, the caller should be advised to re-direct their enquiry to the appropriate agency.

Where an enquiry is accepted, counselling will be offered in accordance with Section 1, All Cases - Provision of Counselling.

Adopt London South
160 Tooley Street,
London Bridge,

Tel: 020 7525 1746

2.2 Adoption Orders made on or after 30 December 2005

When a caller enquires about access to birth records, the caller should be referred to the Adoption Agency.

Adopt London South
160 Tooley Street,
London Bridge,

Tel: 020 7525 1746

3. Access by Adopted Persons to Adoption Case Records

See Adoption Case Records Procedure for the contents of the Adoption Case Record.

Adopt London South
160 Tooley Street,
London Bridge,

Tel: 020 7525 1746

4. Access by Birth Relatives to Adoption Case Records

4.1 Adoption Orders made before 30 December 2005

Where a birth relative requests access to an Adoption Case Record, there is no entitlement on their part to such access and it is for the Adoption Agency to decide whether information contained within the records may be disclosed. Any decision to disclose such information can only be taken after discussion with and with the agreement of the Manager.

In all cases, a balance must be struck between the confidentiality of the information, the enquirer's need to know, the relevance of the information to the enquirer and, when considering a request by a birth parent or relative, whether the anonymity of the adoptive placement can be preserved.

Information which would enable the birth relative to identify the adopted person should not be given, for example whether or not there was a change of name on the adoption, or the name of the adoptive family. However, sometimes the records include information received in the intervening years such as news of progress made at school, health problems, achievements, requests for post-adoption support. Careful consideration needs to be given as to whether it may be appropriate to disclose any of this information to a birth relative.

Where the birth relative makes an enquiry in relation to an adopted child who is still under 18, consideration should be given to approaching the adopters to request up-to-date information about the child and/or to offer to pass on information about the birth family and/or to seek the views of the adopters about any future exchange of information. Adopters may also be asked to clarify whether the adopted child is to be told of the birth family's request although there should be no implied expectation that they should do so against their wishes - and they should be given information about independent support agencies which may be able to assist them.

The response to a birth relative should take into account any contact between the birth family and the agency since the child was adopted and any arrangements/agreements for post-adoption contact and how these have worked.

4.2 Adoption Orders made on or after 30 December 2005

See Section 5.1, Adoption Orders made on or after 30 December 2005.

5. Access by Adopters to Adoption Case Records

5.1 Adoption Orders made before 30 December 2005

In the case of requests for information by adopters, regard must be had to the requirements on the part of the agency to share full information about the child and their history with prospective adopters prior to the placement. If the disclosure of information would assist and enhance their ability to care for the child in the placement, then the balance should weigh heavily in favour of the disclosure of the information save for confidential details about a birth parents' medical history, which would have no relevance to the adopters' in their care for the child.

5.2 Adoption Orders made on or after 30 December 2005

See Section 3.2, Adoption Orders made on or after 30 December 2005.

6. Access by Others to Adoption Case Records

Any other request for access to Adoption Case Records must be referred to:

Adopt London South
160 Tooley Street,
London Bridge,

Tel: 020 7525 1746